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The book consists of a number of chapters, which will become available in batches. Each chapter deals with a group of several similar species, and in general there may be several chapters in every family and in every large subfamily.

The chapters are numbered in an hierarchical way to reflect the family or subfamily and the species group, as summarised in Contents and in the current downloadable Price/Contents list.

The book chapters will be produced to order with a maximum dispatch time of approximately two weeks.

Papilioninae (Swallowtails), Parnassiinae (Festoons and Apollos), now available;

Pieridae (Whites and Yellows), now available;

Polyommatinae (Blues), now available;

Lycaeninae (Coppers), Theclinae (Hairstreaks) and Riodininae (Metalmarks), now available;

Nymphalidae (Heliconiini Fritillaries, e.g. Silver-washed, Pear-bordered etc),  now available;

Nympalidae (Emperors, Vanessids etc. and Melitaeinae Fritillaries e.g. Heath, Marsh etc),  April 2018;

Nymphalidae (Satyrinae (Browns)), 2020

Hesperiidae (Skippers), 2019.

The book is printed on both sides of good-quality, 125 gm per sq m, white, uncoated paper.

Three options are available for purchase:

(1) unbound A4 pages, suitable for a ring binder;

(2) each chapter bound separately with a metal spiral;

(3) each chapter bound, folded and stapled as an A4 booklet.

Slip case also are available to hold the bound chapters, as illustrated left and below.

In more detail:

Option (1):  Every page is punched with four standard holes and each chapter starts with a contents page in the same weight paper.

Option (2):  Every chapter has heavier-weight, thin card covers. The chapter contents are printed on the outside of the front cover.

Option (3):  The pages and cover are printed as large spreads, which are folded and stapled to produce an A4 booklet of every chapter. The cover is a heavier-weight, thin card and the chapter contents are on the outside of the front cover
The slip cases are a good quality product, strongly made of stiff boards covered in a single sheet of buckram.  Each holds a number of bound chapters, up to roughly 450 printed pages in total.

If you don't want a printed copy, The Publication is available in high quality PDF format on a CD.  The visual quality of the pictures is very good on a decent monitor, and can stand being blown up larger than the printed size.  You can judge the quality by looking at one of the free downloads on your own system.

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